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Independence Day Minute

Jun 28, 2019

Johann and Matthew sit down to their D&D campaign table, to figure out how Jasmine found all of this cool stuff, and what kind of skills does she have on her sheet?


Twitter: @id4minute

Facebook: Independence Day Minute Listener's Squadron

Jun 26, 2019

Wednesday is here, so Johann and Matthew talk about their love for dramatic Will Smith! They’re not saying he was robbed by the Academy, but he may have been swindled somewhat. Also, what kind of week would it be if we didn’t complain about the geography?


Twitter: @id4minute

Facebook: Independence Day Minute...

Jun 24, 2019

Matthew and Johann take the lead this week to try and un-classify the blacked out documents that is minute 84. We talk about our power-hungry secretary of defense, and why Matthew may somewhat back him on at least one decision!


Twitter: @id4minute

Facebook: Independence Day Minute Listener's Squadron

Jun 23, 2019

Niall Mc Gowan (Bat Minute Returns) joins us one last time this week to talk classic toys, mysterious floppy disks, and super special holographic edition VHS box covers! Johann and Alex talk more bad trigger discipline, plus our inaccuracies of the week!


Twitter: @id4minute

Facebook: Independence Day Minute...

Jun 20, 2019

Niall Mc Gowan Returns! Har har. The lads talk about taking a break from Brent, and ladies who hate Brent Breaks. Not to mention, other Goldblum movies that may be the greatest or worst films of all time!


Twitter: @id4minute

Facebook: Independence Day Minute Listener's Squadron