May 31, 2019
We’re back for more Friday magic, as we saw this episode in half and then flex tape it back together! We talk classic models and current models of the Alien Attacker, and how the President may have skewed Okun’s words to fit his narrative.
Twitter: @id4minute
Facebook: Independence Day Minute Listener's Squadron
May 30, 2019
Johann and Matthew weren’t let out unless they recorded this episode to talk about how 15 years of work may smell. Johann questions ladies who want to bang our good doctor, and Matthew reminisces about a weird early episode of TNG.
Twitter: @id4minute
Facebook: Independence Day Minute Listener's Squadron
May 27, 2019
Matthew and Johann take the lead this week to talk about the budget of the Department of Defense, and where the funding is coming from. Come along as the boys dive into alien tech, from reverse engineering to a bit of Data!
Twitter: @id4minute
Facebook: Independence Day Minute Listener's Squadron
May 24, 2019
Jon Garcia (Toy Story Minute) finishes up the week, letting us know this may not be the best desert to keep your doors unlocked in. Join us for a deep look at Gamergate, David’s barf and decontamination at Area 51!
Twitter: @id4minute
Facebook: Independence Day Minute Listener's Squadron
May 24, 2019
Jon Garcia (Toy Story Minute) returns to talk about the proper way to drag an alien through the desert without blowing out your back. We also fawn over the improvisatory genius of one Willard Smith. Plus, how do you say Johann’s name?
Twitter: @id4minute
Facebook: Independence Day Minute Listener's Squadron