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Independence Day Minute

Apr 29, 2020

Rick and Julia Ingham (Mad Max Minute) return to help us look at alien landing patterns, alien pastimes and alien interior decorating!


Twitter: @id4minute

Facebook: Independence Day Minute Listener's Squadron

Apr 27, 2020

Rick and Julia Ingham (Mad Max Minute) join the show to help us rip apart our heroes’ poor communication skills! Come along as we envision what the Harvester attack on Las Vegas would look like!


Twitter: @id4minute

Facebook: Independence Day Minute Listener's Squadron

Apr 24, 2020

Hal Bryan (Rocketeer Minute) closes out the week! Join us as we express our admiration for the control panels at Area 51!


Twitter: @id4minute

Facebook: Independence Day Minute Listener's Squadron

Apr 22, 2020

Hal Bryan (Rocketeer Minute) is back to break down the aeronautics of this movie like they’ve never been broken down before! Brace yourselves for what might be our most educational episode yet! And yes, we know that’s a low bar to clear.


Twitter: @id4minute

Facebook: Independence Day Minute Listener's Squadron

Apr 20, 2020

Hal Bryan (Rocketeer Minute) is here to help us pick apart Russell’s plane! Also, we find ourselves delving deep into old quotes and colloquialisms, because of course we do.


Twitter: @id4minute

Facebook: Independence Day Minute Listener's Squadron